April - May 2022
Lafayette, Colorado
East Simpson Coffee Company
Solo Exhibition

Until the summer of 2023, my last art class was during high school, the spring of 1992. Prior to preparing for Sand, Sea and Birds, I had never earnestly attempted to create fine art pieces. I played occasionally with watercolors but never with acrylics.

The first painting I attempted to create was during the summer of 2022. I grabbed some leftover Benjamin Moore paint lying around and attempted to create a favorite family beach we visited when living in Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

These cropped images are of some of the 30+ pieces I painted between the months of January and April of 2023. Prior to Sand, Sea and Birds, I had never shown my work nor had I sold a piece. It was my very first exhibition.

As you can see, I allowed myself plenty of latitude to explore acrylics. In an attempt to provide myself with some parameters, I worked only on canvas and within three categories: mountains, seascapes and birds. That being said, I played and experimented a lot with my paints.